Julia Cheng


Research Advisor: 
Janet Funk, MD, Medicine
Research Topic: 

My research is on elucidating the role of estrogen signaling in ER+ breast cancer bone metastasis progression.

Previous Institution: 
Arizona State University
Barrett, The Honors College
Microbiology B.S.
Year Entered: 
Lab Rotations: 
Dr. Nathan Ellis, Dr. Sam Campos
What did you do between undergraduate and graduate school?: 
I was a laboratory technician at ASU's Virginia G. Piper Center for Personalized Diagnostics in Dr. Karen Anderson's laboratory. I worked on cancer biomarker discovery and validation.
What do you do outside of lab?: 
I like to spend time outdoors (hiking, camping, fishing), travel, read, play video games, and sleep in on the weekends.
What service opportunities do you engage in?: 
I'm currently on the CBIO Retreat Student Planning Committee and a Graduate Program Student Council Travel Grant Reviewer. I mentor undergraduates and high school students in the lab. I also plan to volunteer at the Pima Animal Care Center.
What honors and awards have you received?: 
Cancer Biology Training Grant, H.E. Carter Travel Award, EFF/ASBMR 11th Fellows Forum on Metabolic Bone Disease Travel Award
Dates on Training Grant: 