Why the University of Arizona?

Julia Cheng, Class of 2014

Shariful Islam, Class of 2013

Brittany Forte, Class of 2015

"...affiliation of the Cancer Center and Hospital; reputable faculty and research; competitive stipend compared to living cost; and the faculty, staff, and students really made me feel at home." "...The University of Arizona Cancer Center is one of the NCC recognized comprehensive cancer center with all the necessary core facilities and faculties." "...the interdisciplinary nature of the program, the myriad of outdoor activities in Tucson. All of the graduate students with whom I spoke to seemed extremely happy, both with their program/research and with their overall quality of life, which was not a common theme at other universities."


Why the CBIO Program?


Jeremiah Bearss, Class of 2015


Edgar Tapia, Class of 2014


Jessica Perer, Class of 2015

"...the breadth of research being done and opportunity to work with patients in the clinic." "The program has a very united and cohesive environment. Everyone is always willing to help, provide advice, and we have an amazing coordinator!"  "CBIO is the only program who would provide funding without a specific grant. I was able to join the lab of my choice, regardless of my PI's funding situation."



What is your most impactful experience since joining CBIO?


Leila Lindeman, Class of 2014


Diana Evelyn Villa-Guillen, Class of 2014 


Liliana Rounds, Class of 2017

"I received excellent training from Dr. Pagel (my PI) in scientific communication, including grant and journal manuscript writing." "I've not only worked in the lab, but I can collaborate very closely with physicians and get to know the participants involved in the study" "The willingness of the CBIO faculty members to teach us, students and young scientists, the principles and tricks in academia: grant writing, critical thinking...they are willing to spend time reading our ideas and mentoring us..."



What is the support system like?


Amy Wong, Class of 2014


Gaius Augustus, Class of 2014

"A lot of my support comes from my family, my labmates, and my friends (both within ABBS and outside). Also the CBIO coordinator is amazing in helping with anything I need as well!" "Most of my support network is outside of the university, in the amazing community that I've built in the Tucson area."



Is there life outside of a Ph.D. Life?


Mengdie Wang, Class of 2013


Adam Grant, Class of 2016


Andrea Casillas, Class of 2015

"Yes. I enjoy running and hiking with my dog. I also enjoy reading books, painting, and watching movies at home." "Yeah, I have a wife and child. Even being a full-time graduate student I feel like I have plenty of time to spend with them." "When I'm not in the lab, I like to go to the local restaurants and breweries with friends or spend time exploring the city with my dog...I find myself having a lot of time for social activities without feeling like I am taking away from time I could be spending in lab."


International Students Testimonials


Mengdie Wang, China


Alex Chibly, Mexico


Adam Watson, Canada

"我叫汪梦蝶,来自中国。我毕业于华中科技大学生物科学系,现在是亚利桑那大学 CBIO program 3年级的PhD学生。经过3次轮转之后,我加入了Dr. Greg Rogers 和Dr. Anne Cress 的实验室,研究中心体在肿瘤发生中的作用。我非常喜欢我所在的实验室和我的研究项目。
UofA的ABBS program提供非常广泛的选择空间,有非常多的不同领域的实验室可供选择,这是吸引我加入ABBS的最初原因。我一直对肿瘤的研究非常感兴趣,CBIO program对学生非常支持,我所接触的教授和学生都非常的友好,并相互支持和帮助,因此我非常喜欢CBIO项目!"
"Originalmente soy de Durango, México, y egresado de Química de la UACJ. Actualmente estudio el 4to año del doctorado en Biología del Cáncer en la UofA. Go Wildcats!! Mi investigación está enfocada a estudiar los mecanismos que contribuyen a la perdida de función de glándulas salivares como consecuencia de la radioterapia, y como explotar dichos mecanismos para promover la regeneración celular utilizando células madre. 

Hobbies: Volleyball de playa, bodybuilding, karaoke, salsa.

¿Porque la Universidad de Arizona? Como estudiante internacional, la diversidad cultural y científica de la UofA fueron factores importantes; sin embargo, la principal razón fue la excelente calidad de asesoría y entrenamiento que obtuve (y sigo teniendo) durante un verano de investigación científica con mi actual mentora, Kirsten Limesand.

Fun fact: I sang “At last” by Etta James during my interview for grad school."

"I'm from Vancouver, Canada, where I studied microbiology for my B.Sc. Currently I'm a 4th year CBIO student in the laboratory of Gus Mouneimne, exploring how mechanical changes within the breast tumor microenvironment influence disease progression and phenotype. I chose to attend the UofA largely because both the climate and low cost of living afford a comfortable lifestyle. The university also seemed to be a place where collaboration among labs was encouraged, which greatly facilitates the kind of translational research that I was seeking.The CBIO department was also very helpful in the process of transitioning to graduate school as an international student."