Flowchart of Progression

CBIO Student Timeline | Registering for Classes

The CBIO program offers all the resources you need in order to succeed.  Please see below for several bits of information that will help you along the way.

Year 1
Experience 3 lab rotations
Take Required and Elective courses
Choose a Thesis Advisor
Attend Annual CBIO Retreat
Apply for outside funding
Summer: Annual Progress Meeting/IDP

Year 2
Choose your Thesis Committee
Present your project in colloquium
Finish coursework for both Major and Minor
Annual Committee Meeting
Pass Qualifying Exam and Advance to Candidacy
Summer: Annual Progress Meeting/ IDP

Year 3 & 4
Work on Thesis Project
Present your coursework in colloquium
Finish coursework for both Major and Minor (if not already completed)
Annual Committee Meeting
Summer: Annual Progress Meeting/ IDP

Year 5
Annual Committee Meeting
Publish Manuscripts and Attend Conferences
Oral Thesis Defense
Formal Approval of Dissertation

Other Resources:

CBIO Handbook

How to Register for Classes